I received two awards the other day from my dear friends and I finally made myself to post them. Sorry girls for being late, but better late then never ;)
Minule som dostala dva ocenenia od mojich milych kamosiek a konecne som sa dokopala ich sem vlozit. Sorry holky za omeskanie, ale lepsie neskoro ako nikdy ;) ...
The Sunshine Award I received from my friend
Katie_25. Thank you Kate!
Slnecny award som dostala of mojej milej kamosky Katie_25. Dakujem Katka!
The second award I received from my dear friends,
Lekorka 9 and
Katie_25. Thank you very much, I feel very happy and honored to receive them!
Druhe ocenenie som dostala od milych kamosiek, Lekorka 9 a Katie_25. Dakujem krasne, citim sa velmi stastna a poctena, ze som ich dostala!
For this award, I'm supposed to write 10 things that make me happy, so here it goes:
Podmienkou pre toto ocenenie je napisat 10 veci, ktore ma robia stastnou, takze tu su:
1. going to my country to visit my family - ist domov na Sk navstivit moju rodinu
2. spending time with my friends & family - travit cas s priatelmi a rodinou
3. reading - citanie
4. cross stitching - vysivanie
5. playing with my camera - fotenie
6. writing poems - pisanie versov
7. collecting nice quotes - zbieranie peknych citatov
8. beautiful sunny days - krasne slnecne dni
9. being outside in the nature - byt vonku v prirode
10. holding a cat ;) - maznanie sa s macickou ;)
I forward the award to / ocenenie dalej predavam:
Thank you for visiting!
Dakujem za navstevu!