Sunday, December 13, 2009

Stuffed Ornaments

I stitched another design from the Noel Sampler and I finished them as stuffed ornaments. This was the first time when I finished the stuffed ornaments by adding beads and to be honest, I was a little worried that it would be a little difficult. But on the contrary, it was very easy and I just love this finished easy and so effective.
More pictures here.
Dokoncila som dalsi vzor z Noel Sampleru a z oboch vysiviek som spravila vypchate vankusikove ozdoby (rozmyslam, ci v slovencine vobec existuje nazov pre tento druh ozdob). Bolo to prvykrat, ked som dokoncila tieto ozdobky s pridanim koralok. Pravdu povediac, trocha som sa obavala, ze to bude trocha narocne, ale prave naopak, bolo to velmi lahke a velmi sa mi tento druch ukoncenia paci ...take lahke, ale velmi effectivne.
Viac fotiek v albume.

freebie by Aurelle
28ct Charles Craft Evenweave
DMC 4210


Unknown said...

Lenocka si proste sikulka, mas pravdu u nas na Slovensku tento druh ozdob zatial nie je akosi pouzivany a pritom je taky mily a elegantny, super

Unknown said...

Lenocka si proste sikulka, mas pravdu na Slovensku tento druh ozdob s zatial nepouziva i ked je elegantny a mily, super

Screen Doors Racine said...

Great blog you have hhere



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