Friday, December 11, 2009

Noel 2009

I found this cute Christmas freebie sal pattern on Aurelle's blog, but I'm not planing to stitch the whole thing ...only two or three pieces the most as I'm planing to make stuffed ornaments out of them.
Nasla som tento vianocny mily vzor na Aurellinom blogu, ale neplanujem to vysit cele ...iba dva - tri kusky pretoze z nich planujem vyrobit vypchate vianocne ozdobky (vo forme malych vankusikov).

Noel 2009 - Aurelle
28ct Charles Craft Evenweave
DMC 4210


Unknown said...

velmi mile, potom daj foto hotove

Evik said...

Pěkné, takové jemné :)

Leni, jak budeš mít chvilku, koukni na můj blog ... něco malého pro tebe mám ;)

Judit said...

Perfect work!!

baabcia said...

cudne maleństwa



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