Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy New Year and all the best for the year 2010 to all my visitors!
Stastny novy rok a iba to najlepsie do noveho roka 2010 prajem vsetkym mojim navtevnikom!


I made another ornament, this time in different style. I have no idea what is the proper name of this ornament, so if some of you know it, please, let me know. I'd appreciate that. Thank you. I also made a photo tutorial, link is on a side panel.
Spravila som dalsiu ozdobku, tentokrat ale v inom style. Tiez som nafotila foto-navod, odkaz je na bocnom paneli.

freebie by Sylvia
36ct Eidenburg Flax Linen
DMC 815

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Stocking Felt Ornament

I was flipping through some magazines the other day when I came across beautiful things made from felt. They were so gorgeous that I couldn't resist to try to make something by myself. I made a little stocking ornament ...nothing special, but I love the simplicity of it.
Minule som listovala v casopisoch, ked som narazila na nadherne vecicky vyrobene z flisu. Boli take rozkosne, ze som neodolala pokuseniu vyrobit si nieco podobne vlastnorucne. Usila som vianocnu ozdobku v tvare cizmicky ...nic zvlastne, ale prave ta jednoduchost sa mi paci.

Thank you for your visit.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Christmas Basket

Here comes the promised photo of my Christmas basket.
A tu je slubena fotka mojho vianocneho kosika.

more pictures here:
viac fotiek tu:

Another Christmas Tree...

Another stuffed Christmas tree ornament in red :)
Dalsi cerveny stromcek ako vianocna ozdobka :)

freebie by Aliolka
28ct Sand Carolina Linen
DMC 321

Christmas Ornaments Continue ;)

I finished this freebie I stitched a few days ago into stuffed ornament. I fell in love with this finish and it looks great in my basket ...I'll take a picture of my Christmas basket later...
You can see more pictures here in my album.
Dokoncila som dalsiu ozdobku z free prehlohy ktoru som vysila pred par dnami. Zamilovala som sa do tychto vypchatych ozdob, vyzeraju skvele v mojom kosiku ...moj vianocny kosik vyfotim neskor...
Viac fotiek mozete vidiet tu, v albume.

freebie by Gazette94
32ct Ant. Ivory Belfast Linen
DMC 4210

Saturday, December 26, 2009

I'm not finished with Christmas ornaments yet :)

When I look at my Christmas stitching this year, it sure looks that I love trees as I stitched several of them ...and red color too of course ;) So, here it goes, another cute stuffed ornament for my Christmas basket decoration ...and no, I'm not hanging it on the tree, I like it in the basket more.
Ked sa tak pozeram na moje tohtorocne vianocne vysivky, vyzera to, ze vazne mam v oblube stromceky kedze som ich uz vysila niekolko ...a cervenu farbu pravdaze tiez ;) Takze tu je, dalsia mila vianocna ozdoba do mojho vianocneho kosika ...nie, nedavam ju na stromcek, v kosiku sa mi paci viac.

freebie by Kirsten Schmidt (kissy-cross)
28ct Carolina Sand Linen
DMC 815

Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Holidays !!!

Happy Holidays to all my visitors!!!
Krasne Vianoce vsetkym mojim navstevnikom!!!

Flat Fold Finish

I was thinking about how to finish this free Christmas pattern I stitched a few days ago and I finally decided to finish it as a flat fold. This is my very first flat fold finish, so I wasn't really sure if I should have finished it that way, mainly because the finishing instructions looked a little complicated. But I love the result and to finish it wasn't difficult at all. It was actually pretty easy and I even created my own photo tutorial which you can find here.
Rozmyslala som ako mam ukoncit tuto free vianocnu vysivku ktoru som vysila pred par dnami a nakoniec som sa rozhodla spravit z nej flat fold. Je to moj uplne prvy flat fold a preto som si nebola ista ci sa do toho vobec mam pustat, hlavne preto, ze navod vyzera dost complikovane. Vysledok sa mi ale velmi paci a ukoncenie nebolo vobec narocne, prave naopak, bolo to velmi lahke a dokonca som nafotila aj vlastny navod ako na to, ktory mozete najst tu v albume.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Freebie - Christmas Tree

I stitched another lovely Christmas freebie. I absolutely love it's simple, cute and so elegant at the same time... I also love my color choice, as red is definitely Christmas color to me. I'm thinking about framing it ...not sure yet though.
Vysila som dalsiu vianocnu freebie vysivku, ktora sa mi velmi paci jednoducha, roztomila a zaroven elegantna... Tiez som velmi spokojna s farbou ktoru som pre nu vybrala, hlavne preto, ze pre mna je cervena rozhodne farbou vianoc. Rozmyslam, ze vysivku zaramujem ...nie som ale este stopercentne rozhodnuta.

Freebie by Aliolka
28ct Charles Craft Carolina Linen - Sand
DMC 4210

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sweet Christmas Award

I got another award from my dear friend Eva. Thank you so much Evi, I'm very honored and happy to recieve this. It's so cute and just perfect now before Christmas :)


Dostala som dalsie ocenenie od mojej milej kamosky Evki. Dakujem krasne Evi, som poctena tymto ocenenim, ktore ma velmi potesilo. Je take rozkosne a uplne perfektne teraz pred vianocami :)

I forward this Sweet Christmas award to:

Toto Sladke Vianocne Ocenenie dalej predavam:

***Katie, Marlene, Judit, Krzysia, Nina.

Stuffed Ornaments

I stitched another design from the Noel Sampler and I finished them as stuffed ornaments. This was the first time when I finished the stuffed ornaments by adding beads and to be honest, I was a little worried that it would be a little difficult. But on the contrary, it was very easy and I just love this finished easy and so effective.
More pictures here.
Dokoncila som dalsi vzor z Noel Sampleru a z oboch vysiviek som spravila vypchate vankusikove ozdoby (rozmyslam, ci v slovencine vobec existuje nazov pre tento druh ozdob). Bolo to prvykrat, ked som dokoncila tieto ozdobky s pridanim koralok. Pravdu povediac, trocha som sa obavala, ze to bude trocha narocne, ale prave naopak, bolo to velmi lahke a velmi sa mi tento druch ukoncenia paci ...take lahke, ale velmi effectivne.
Viac fotiek v albume.

freebie by Aurelle
28ct Charles Craft Evenweave
DMC 4210

Friday, December 11, 2009

Noel 2009

I found this cute Christmas freebie sal pattern on Aurelle's blog, but I'm not planing to stitch the whole thing ...only two or three pieces the most as I'm planing to make stuffed ornaments out of them.
Nasla som tento vianocny mily vzor na Aurellinom blogu, ale neplanujem to vysit cele ...iba dva - tri kusky pretoze z nich planujem vyrobit vypchate vianocne ozdobky (vo forme malych vankusikov).

Noel 2009 - Aurelle
28ct Charles Craft Evenweave
DMC 4210

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas Biscornu

I created several patterns so far, but never had a chance to stitch any of them. So, I decided it's time to stich something from my own freebies. I hope you like it because I like it very much ;)
You can see more pictures here.
Vytvorila som niekolko predloh, ale dosial som este nevysila ani jednu z nich. Tak som si povedala, ze je nacase vysit nieco z mojich free predloh. Mne sa vysledok velmi paci a tak dufam, ze sa bude pacit aj vam ;)
Viac fotiek mozete vidiet tu.

Christmas Biscornu by Lenocka
28ct Charles Craft Evenweave
DMC 4210

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Noel by Gazette

I finished another Christmas freebie. I'm thinking about making a pinkeep from it.
Dokoncila som dalsiu vianocnu free predlohu a rozmyslam, ze z nej urobim pinkeep.

Freebe by Gazette94
Belfast Linen 32 ct, Ant. Ivory
DMC 4210

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas Freebie Finished

Actually, I finished the freebie two days ago, but I took picture of it only today. Now I just have to decide how to finish it.
Vysivku som v skutocnosti dokoncila uz pred dvoma dnami, ale az dnes som to nafotila. Teraz sa uz iba musim rozhodnut co z toho bude.

Freebie by Aurelle
Cork Linen 18ct Lt. Mocha
Caron Collection - Watercolours Nefertiti

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My First Award

Wow!! I just started my new blog a few days ago and I already got an award! Thank you very much Alica, you made my day :)
The rules for the award are:
1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Place the logo on your site.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about you that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 creative bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blog, letting them know they have been nominated.
My nominees are: Evik, Mar, Judit, Marlene, Nina, Yuko, Hohla
Seven Interesting things about myself:
1. I'm passionate about the books ...I even have my own library which contains books in two languages now; English and Slovak (my native language).
2. I'm very organized ...everything in my home has its own place.
3. I'm kind of perfectionist ...I like to do things the correct way.
4. I inherited love for cross stitch from my grandmother who also taught me how to do it.
5. I have been stitching for about 20 years now's even more if I count my childhood beginnings.
6. My favorite color is purple (my blogger template already probably told you ...but I also like pink, red, blue and brown.
7. My favorite animals are cats (great cats too) ...and butterflies.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas Freebie

Finally, I have something from my own work to show this time. I started to stitch this cute Christmas tree which I expect to be finished very soon...perhaps even tonight :) (the colors in the photo are a little off as it was taken in the evening...sorry about that...will try to take a better picture next time)
Konecne mozem ukazat aj nieco z mojej vlastnej prace. Zacala som vysivat tento roztomily vianocny stromcek, ktory by mal byt hotovy velmi skoro...mozno este dnes vecer :) (farby na fotke nezodpovedaju velmi skutocnosti kedze fotka bola robena pri vecernom osvetleni...sorry... nabuduce sa budem snazit spravit lepsiu fotku)
freebie by Aurelle
Cork Linen 18ct Lt. Mocha
Caron Collection - Watercolours Nefertiti

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Doilies From My Mom

More doilies from my mom. The same pattern as has the previous one, but different collor and thread.
Dalsie decky od mojej mamy. Vzor je rovnaky ako na predchadzajucej decke, iba farba a znacka priadze je ina.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Present from my mom

As I have nothing to show from my own work yet, I'm showing the gift from my mom. She also loves crafts (crochet is her specialty), and even though I know how to crochet myself, I prefer cross stitch and therefore I asked her to make this doily for me. She lives in my native country, Slovakia, while I live in the United States, and so we develop this little habbit that while I'm here, she is making some things for me, and when I go to visit her, there is always a nice present waiting for me. I'm also always carrying some present which I cross stitched for her.
The pattern for the doily is from the Slovak magazine.
Pretoze zatial este nemam co ukazat z mojich vlastnych prac, davam sem fotky toho co pre mna
urobila moja mama. One tiez miluje rucne prace, obzvlast hackovanie, a napriek tomu, ze tiez hackujem, poprosila som ju aby mi uhackovala tuto decku. Moja mama byva na Slovensku (ja momentalne v USA) a tak sme si vytvorili taky maly zvyk, ze kym som tu tak ona pre mna stale nieco robi, a ked potom idem domov na Sk, tak ma tam stale caka nejaky darcek. To iste z mojej stranke, ja jej tiez stane nesiem nejake prekvapko co som pre nu vyrobila.
Vzor na tuto decku som nasla v slovenskom casopise, nie som si ista v ktorom, ale mam pocit, ze to bolo v Dorke alebo v Radoch a Napadoch.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I had a little problems with comments here...changed the settings, so I hope it works now.

Mala som tu problem s komentovanim, ale zmenila som nastavenia, tak dufam, ze to uz teraz funguje.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

My New Blog

I was playing with the idea of creating a new blog for a while now...and I finally decided to do it. Those who know me, know that I love crafts, especially cross stitch and that I have had another blog for a quite some time now. However, I haven't been visiting my first blog very often in last couple of months as this year has been rather chalenging for me, in negative way. While I was going through those difficult times, I just lost all the interest in things I enjoy so much. But things are getting better now and I'm beggining to feel the ispiration coming back to me and I feel like creating again.
Sometimes, after difficult times, we feel a need to start over and that's exactly what I'm doing now....I'm creating a new blog, so I can start anew...

Uz nejaku dobu som premyslala nad vytvorenim noveho blogu...a konecne som sa rozhodla to urobit. Ti, co ma poznaju, vedia, ze milujem rucne prace, obzvlast krizikove vysivanie a tiez, ze uz nejaku dobu mam svoju stranku. Tu ale v poslednym mesiacoch velmi nenavstevujem, hlavne preto, ze tento rok sa ukazal byt dost nepriaznivym obdobim v mojom zivote. A kym som tym vsetkym prechadzala, stratila som chut na veci ktore mam tak velmi rada. Moj zivot sa ale pomalicky vracia do normalu a ja znova zacinam pocitovat inspiraciu a chut na vytvaranie novych veci.
Niekedy, po tazkom obdobi ma clovek potrebu zacat znova a od zaciatku a to je prave to co robim ja teraz...vytvaram si novy blog aby som mohla zacat nanovo...



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