Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I was flirting with glass painting idea for some time now and finally had the courage to try it. I know, I know ...I need A LOT OF practice ...lol  The jars didn't turn out as I imagined at all, but ...oh, well... they still serve their purpose... I hope I'll get better with practice.
Uz nejaky cas som sa pohravala s napadom malovania flias a konecne som sa odhodlala, ze si to vyskusam. Viem, viem ...potrebujem este VELMI VELA trenovat :))  Nadobky sa mi vobec nepodarili podla mojich predstav, ale ...co uz... hlavne je, ze sluzia svojmu ucelu... Dufam, ze mi to casom pojde lepsie. 

Thank you for you visit!
Dakujem za navstevu!

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