Thursday, November 28, 2013

More Stars

I stitched a few stars on plastic canvas the other day. And when my sister came for a visit and saw them, she fell in love with them and wanted me to make several for her as well in red and orange colors. She is enjoying them at her home already :)
Minule som vyšila pár hviezdičiek na plastickej kanave, a ked došla na návštevu moja ségra, tak sa jej hrozne zapáčili, že hneď chcela aby som vyšila pár aj pre ňu ale v červenej a oranžovej farbe. Už ich má doma a robia jej radosť :)
Have a nice day.
Prajem pekný deň 

1 comment:

Kate said...

Your stars are beautiful.



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