Sunday, February 27, 2011

Waiting for Spring...

I hope the warmer weather will be here soon.
Dufam, ze nas uz navstivi teplejsie pocasie.

Thanks for visiting / Vdaka za navstevu

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dressed up Buttons

Even the simple buttons can look pretty :)
My mom made the string and I made a bow and attached the button.
Dokonca aj obycajne gombiky mozu vyzerat pekne :) 
Mama uhackovala snurku a ja som spravila maslu a prisila gombik.

Thank you for visiting!
Vdaka za navstevu!

Friday, February 18, 2011

I'm crocheting...

I'm working on this now. I need five doilies for my bedroom. I already made four pieces and I'm working on the last one now. Doilies are not starched yet because I want to finish the last one and starched them all at once. I'll post a photo of the final result when I'm finished with them :)
Teraz pracujem na tomto. Potrebujem 5 deciek do mojej spalne. Uz som uhackovala styri a teraz pracujem na poslednej. Aj preto decky este nie su naskrobene, co chcem urobit az nakoniec. Vlozim fotku ked to bude vsetko hotove :) 

Thank you for your visit!
Dakujem za navstevu!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Candle Jar

Just a quick, simple and cheap idea :)
Velmi rychly, jednoduchy a lacny napad :)

Thanks for reading!
Dakujem za navstevu!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!
Krasneho Valentina!

Thank you for your visit!
Dakujem za navstevu!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Valentine Bouquet

A bought a few lollipops the other day and when I came home I was thinking what kind of decoration I could do from them. And I got an idea to make a bouquet from them. I took a small alcohol glass, put a crepe paper inside and the Valentine bouquet was done :)
Minule som v obchode kupila zopar lizaniek a ked som dosla domov, rozmyslala som aku dekoraciu by som z nich mohla urobit. Potom som dostala napad spravit z nich kyticku. Zobrala som stamperlik, vystlala ho krepovym papierom a Valentinska kyticka bola na svete :)

Thank you your visit! / Dakujem za navstevu!

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Woman Has Never Enough Bags ;)

Something my mom made for me :)
Malickost co pre mna vytvorila moja mama :)

Thank you for visiting!
Dakujem za navstevu!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Last Work of 2010

This is the last stitching I did in 2010. It was a freebie, but I forgot to write the name of the designer, so I cannot tell you that. Sorry about that.
Toto je moja posledna praca, ktoru som dokoncila v minulom roku. Je to free predloha, zabudla som si ale poznacit meno dizajnera a odkaz za co sa ospravedlnujem.

Thanks for visiting!!
Dakujem za navstevu!!




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