Thursday, August 12, 2010

Leaving for a vacation...

Hi my readers and visitors, this Saturday I'm leaving for a long vacation to my native country, Slovakia. I'll stay there for about 3 months and since my mom doesn't have a computer, she doesn't have internet either. So, naturally, I'm not sure when I'll be able to get online. But I'm planning on stitching there when I have time (I already put some kits into my suitcase), so I should have something to show when I'll come back. Stay safe everyone! I'll miss you all!
Zdravim vsetkych mojich citatelov a navstevnikov. Tuto sobotu odchadzam na dlhsiu dovolenku na Slovensko. Zostanem tam asi 3 mesiace a pretoze moja mama nema internet, nie som si ista kedy sa sem budem moct dostat. Planujem ale, ze tam budem vysivat (uz som si zbalila aj potrebne veci), takze zrejme budem mat co ukazat az sa vratim. Opatrujte sa! Budete mi vsetci chybat!

Take care and keep stitching!!
Opatrujte sa a vysivajte!!


After long pause I finally have something to show you :)
Po dlhej prestavke mam konecne nieco vysite na ukazku :)

Love by Aliolka
28ct Cashel Cherub
DMC - B5200, 3803
Have a great day! / Prajem pekny den!



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