This is what I've been reading in time of my absence here on blog. I was looking for something new to read and a friend of mine recommended me these. It's a collection of many books from Dragonlance series. If you like fantasy books, these are great to read ...kind of like Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings books. In case somebody is interested, you can read more about them in the link below the picture.
Tieto knihy citam v case mojej nepritomnosti tu na blogu. Zhanala som nieco nove na citanie a jeden moj znamy mi odporucil tieto knihy. Je to velka kolekcia knih zo serie Dragonlance. Kto ma rad fantazijne knihy, tak tieto su super ...nieco ako Tolkienove knihy Pan Prstenov. V pripade zaujmu sa o tychto knihach mozte dozvediet viac z odkazu pod obrazkom.
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