Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I've Been Reading...

This is what I've been reading in time of my absence here on blog. I was looking for something new to read and a friend of mine recommended me these. It's a collection of many books from Dragonlance series. If you like fantasy books, these are great to read ...kind of like Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings books. In case somebody is interested, you can read more about them in the link below the picture.
Tieto knihy citam v case mojej nepritomnosti tu na blogu. Zhanala som nieco nove na citanie a jeden moj znamy mi odporucil tieto knihy. Je to velka kolekcia knih zo serie Dragonlance. Kto ma rad fantazijne knihy, tak tieto su super ...nieco ako Tolkienove knihy Pan Prstenov. V pripade zaujmu sa o tychto knihach mozte dozvediet viac z odkazu pod obrazkom.


Thank you for visiting!
Dakujem za navstevu!

Monday, April 26, 2010


I received two awards the other day from my dear friends and I finally made myself to post them. Sorry girls for being late, but better late then never ;)
Minule som dostala dva ocenenia od mojich milych kamosiek a konecne som sa dokopala ich sem vlozit. Sorry holky za omeskanie, ale lepsie neskoro ako nikdy ;) ...

The Sunshine Award I received from my friend Katie_25. Thank you Kate!
Slnecny award som dostala of mojej milej kamosky Katie_25. Dakujem Katka!


The second award I received from my dear friends, Lekorka 9 and Katie_25. Thank you very much, I feel very happy and honored to receive them!
Druhe ocenenie som dostala od milych kamosiek, Lekorka 9 a Katie_25. Dakujem krasne, citim sa velmi stastna a poctena, ze som ich dostala!

For this award, I'm supposed to write 10 things that make me happy, so here it goes:
Podmienkou pre toto ocenenie je napisat 10 veci, ktore ma robia stastnou, takze tu su:

1. going to my country to visit my family - ist domov na Sk navstivit moju rodinu
2. spending time with my friends & family - travit cas s priatelmi a rodinou
3. reading - citanie
4. cross stitching - vysivanie
5. playing with my camera - fotenie
6. writing poems - pisanie versov
7. collecting nice quotes - zbieranie peknych citatov
8. beautiful sunny days - krasne slnecne dni
9. being outside in the nature - byt vonku v prirode
10. holding a cat ;) - maznanie sa s macickou ;)

I forward the award to / ocenenie dalej predavam:

Thank you for visiting!
Dakujem za navstevu!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sampler Finished

Sorry for not posting so often anymore, but with the spring weather finally being here, I spend a lot of time outside and then, in the evening, I don't feel like stitching. Have been reading books :) ...But I finished the sampler. I think it turned out very nice and I'm glad I changed the colors because I like it much more that way.
Ospravedlnujem sa za moju nepritomnost, ale kedze jarne pocasie konecne dorazilo, tak travim vela casu vonku a potom sa mi uz vecer nechce vysivat. Dala som sa teraz do citania knih :) ...Dokoncila som aspon sampler. Mysim si, ze vysledok je velmi pekny a som vazne rada, ze som zmenila farby pretoze takto sa mi paci ovela viac.

I Love You More - Erynne Chard (Be Stitched)
32ct Vintage Country Belfast Linen
DMC: 310, 321, 3727, blank
Thanks for visiting!
Dakujem za navstevu!



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